Thank you for calling this to our attention. Fertilizers and pesticides in one for or another, will bite us right in the bustle if large grower and industry farming continues on this same path they've taken for so long. Small, indi farms/growers seem to be the best direction- as they know exactly how they have to behave if they're going to stay afloat and succeed. More people are becoming aware. But dangitall progress is so slow-- when folks' paycheck relies on them ... being one of the see, hear, speak no-evils.
I think you are being too generous. You won't get a straight answer from garden variety nurseries. Know who you are dealing with and what they really care about. There are more and more native plant nurseries to choose from. And thank you spreading the word.
Thank you for calling this to our attention. Fertilizers and pesticides in one for or another, will bite us right in the bustle if large grower and industry farming continues on this same path they've taken for so long. Small, indi farms/growers seem to be the best direction- as they know exactly how they have to behave if they're going to stay afloat and succeed. More people are becoming aware. But dangitall progress is so slow-- when folks' paycheck relies on them ... being one of the see, hear, speak no-evils.
I think you are being too generous. You won't get a straight answer from garden variety nurseries. Know who you are dealing with and what they really care about. There are more and more native plant nurseries to choose from. And thank you spreading the word.
Thanks for sharing information on this important topic.