I’m devastated by the results of this week’s U.S. elections. Both for the policies they portend and for what they say about the values and priorities of so many of our fellow Americans. Among my many, many concerns is the setback this represents to critical efforts to address climate change and restore biodiversity.
Remember, though, there is something we can all be doing to help save the planet. And we don’t need the White House, Congress or Supreme Court to make it happen. Eighty-three percent of land in the U.S. is in private hands. We, not the government, own and control it. So if you’re lucky enough to have a yard, or influence over school, apartment, church or business properties, you’re in a position to create healthy, biodiverse habitats that provide a host of ecosystem services and benefit everyone. No need to wait for the politicians and regulators. You’re in charge! You can start today — and derive the mental health benefits of communing with nature as a bonus.
Longtime Bees’ Knees readers know the drill by heart, but in the spirit of providing constructive guidance in these fraught times, I’ll repeat a few key points here with links into the archives:
There’s so much work ahead to heal our world. Some of it will be hard and painful. Tending our garden habitats is one way to do good while feeling good, though. Please try it.

If you live in the DC vicinity and could use assistance with sustainable landscaping, visit Bees’ Knees Design. I’d be happy to help you.
Lolly, thank you for this! This is all so heartbreaking as you say, in terms of both policy and values. We can be set back so far over the next four years on climate - I truly fear for our children's children. I escaped to the mountains last week as a refuge, but will try to use the backyard as a mini-refuge. Thanks for the practical advice!!
Lolly, you are so right.