The Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets out fundamental human rights to be universally protected. All member states of the United Nations have pledged to uphold them. They include rights to life, liberty and security of person; work; education; equality in marriage and freedom of worship, among others. It is only by upholding our reproductive rights that all of the other rights can be guaranteed. The Supreme Court’s decision to reverse Roe v. Wade violates fundamental and universally-accepted human rights. This harms all of us, in ways that stretch far beyond a single medical procedure.
I know many of us are working hard to protect and support the millions of Americans who will be most tangibly impacted by the SCOTUS decision. Thank you for those efforts.
I wanted to acknowledge one small but welcome gesture with relevance to The Bees’ Knees: On July 4, Izel Native Plants will donate revenue from all sales between noon and midnight to Planned Parenthood. Izel is an online-only source of native plants. This spring I’ve received large orders of sedges, asters, coneflowers, and mountain mints from them. I’ve been impressed with their customer service, the care they put into packaging and the quality of the plants I received. I have no connection to Izel except as a happy customer. Just wanted you to be aware of this opportunity.
May we leave to our children and grandchildren a world that upholds and celebrates the rights of all Americans.
Meanwhile, a bit of cheer to ease the heavy weight that so many of us are feeling:
Thanks, Lolly. I sent the Izel info to Michael, though not sure we need anything until the fall when we search for the male and female red cedars.
In addition to the tremendous human cost of the Supreme Court decision, the last thing the planet needs is greater population growth. Thanks for speaking out, for letting us know about the Izel promotion and for the very fun garden-roofed nesting box photo.
Wow, are you aware of what planned parenthood does with aborted fetus'? They use them for parts and in vaccines. So you keep going on that path, bet you drank kool-aid too.