Yikes, 2023. How'd you get here so fast? Kinda snuck up on me. Even so, I'm wishing everyone a healthy and beautiful new year filled with native plants and critters!
To which end, I’m delighted (abuzz, you might even say) to announce the launch of Bees’ Knees Design, a landscape design practice focused on sustainability. Learn more at – where else? – beesknees.design.
If you live in or near Bethesda, MD and would like your outdoor spaces to be more welcoming to humans and wildlife alike, Bees’ Knees Design is here for you! Say it with me: Enjoy beauty. Do good. Feel great.
In publishing this newsletter over the past year or so, I’ve realized there’s a lot of interest in gardening more responsibly and attractively. Yet we’re juggling families, work, school, extracurriculars, community obligations, pandemics, politics and you-frigging-name-it. Sorting out the who/what/when/where/how of sustainable landscaping, never mind ensuring it all looks great and functions well, can be overwhelming. Even if we know what to do, most of us just have limited bandwidth. Let me help you navigate this world. I’ll give you the guidance, resources and confidence you need.
Check it out yourself, then tell your friends about Bees' Knees Design. As a bonus, there’s a new Bees’ Knees Design Instagram account. It would be the cat’s pajamas if you gave it a follow.
Meanwhile, The Bees’ Knees newsletter will continue to grace your inboxes if you’re subscribed. So whether or not you need a landscape designer, I hope you’ll stick with me here.
Ok, let's do this. Gonna have a phloxy good time!
PS. These folks are liquid rhythm, right? James Brown said to take us higher; they understood the assignment.
Awesome logo! Congrats! Can't wait to see more of your talents in more spaces!
Congratulations, Lolly! So excited for you, no doubt this will be a huge success! 🌷