Inspiration and Insights from an Ecological Horticulturalist
Rebecca McMackin of Brooklyn Bridge Park
Two Bees’ Knees in as many days — it’s a banner week!
Rebecca McMackin’s official title is Director of Horticulture at Brooklyn Bridge Park, 85 acres of abundant, lush parkland created out of reclaimed shipping piers on the edge of the East River. But she calls herself “the nerdiest gardener you’re ever going to meet.”
Watch her 12-minute Ted Talk. You won’t regret it. TL;DR: Most gardens are ecological deserts, and huge environmental damage has been caused in the name of pretty landscapes. However, as McMackin assures us, “gardens and landscapes that are absolutely gorgeous can also help the world around us. They can provide food, water and shelter to wildlife. Gardens can and have brought back plants and animals from the brink of extinction.” The key is planting natives.
Don’t take it from me, listen to Rebecca!
This is so good! Thank you Lolly!